Monday, 15 March 2010

Here are some older texts!

Mobile phone radiations ‘protect’ brain against Alzheimer - January

A study from the Investigation Center of the University of Florida proves that the radiations from cell phones can help protect and even reverse Alzheimer. For this investigation rats were used, which were exposed for long periods of time to the electromagnetic waves that are emitted by the terminals and antennas of cell phones.
The application of the experience in younger rats protected their cognitive capabilities, while older rats, already with memory problems, recovered their capabilities of memorisation. After a few months of exposure to radiations, the memory of rats has improved above the normal level.
A study from the Environmental Working Group discovered that Motorola and BlackBerry cell phones emit more radiations and Samsung cell phones are those that emit the lower radiation.
After that we think that people, especially teenagers, will have an excuse to use cell phones all the time. Some will prefer Motorola or BlackBerry to prevent or reverse Alzheimer, but most of the people choose Samsung and other cell phones that emit fewer radiations because of the studies that say that these types of radiations can cause cancer.
In the end, what should we believe in? Even if the two studies are true, you will not have Alzheimer, but you can have cancer.

Carla &Vânia

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